Introducing SagaPoll Streak

Introducing SagaPoll Streak

Today we will introduce you to our new feature: The SagaPoll Streak.

You have more chances to earn more points in the APP! 

What is a SagaPoll Streak?

A streak is the number of days in a row you have completed a survey. Earn points and badges by answering a survey every day!

How does it work? 

Answer at least a survey per day to keep your streak alive. After 7 days, you can start earning rewards!

Check below the badges you can earn:

  • 7 days Streak : Mr./Ms. Determined!  🏅
  • 30 days Streak : Mr./Ms. Nonstop!  🏅
  • 60 days Streak : Mr./Ms. On fire!  🏅
  • 90 days Streak : Mr./Ms. Champion!  🏅
  • 180 days Streak : Mr./Ms. Loyal!  🏅

Also, with some badges, you have the possibility to earn extra points in SagaPoll. 

Which badges will allow you to get more points?

You can start earning more rewards on the 30 days Streak.

Read as well: SagaPoll Levels

How can I check my current SagaPoll Streak?

Go to Awards > Streak. At this page you will see each Streak day you currently are.

I lost my badge, why?

Remember: you need to be active and answer a survey everyday in order to keep your streak and you badge!

Invite friends

Another way to earn extra points is to refer SagaPoll to your friends and family. It will allow them to also make money online with paid surveys and at the same time you will get extra points: everyone wins!

Download SagaPoll NOW!