Top 15 Most Expensive Countries in Africa: how to earn money with surveys

most expensive countries in Africa

Top 15 Most Expensive Countries in Africa: how to earn money with surveys

SagaPollers, as an app 100% dedicated to Africa, we know that living in this exceptional continent offers a unique experience, but for many, the cost of living can be a huge challenge. In some African countries, the expenses for housing, food, transportation, and other necessities can become expensive really quickly, making it essential to find ways to earn extra money and rewards. 

In this article, we’ll explore the top 15 most expensive countries in Africa, according to our SagaPoll app. 

We’ll show you the factors that contribute to their high costs and offer practical tips on how to make money online in Africa by using SagaPoll, the African paid survey app. 

Top 15 most expensive countries in Africa

4South Africa
5Côte d’Ivoire

Our ranking was determined by asking the following key questions within our app:

  • How much do you typically spend per day on transportation?
  • What is your monthly rent cost?
  • How much did you spend on your most recent visit to the hair salon or barber shop?
  • What is the price of one kilogram of tomatoes in your area?

Based on responses from our community members, we identified the 15 most expensive countries in Africa. Botswana was ranked as Africa’s most expensive country. Keep reading to understand why.

Cost of transport in Africa

When it comes to daily commute, the cost of transportation in Africa can be wildly different depending on where you are. 

In countries such as Gabon, South Africa, Morocco, Côte d’Ivoire, Togo, Mali, Sénegal and Botswana, transport prices are higher than 3 USD per day. That’s quite a hit to the wallet! However, when you compare this with some of the countries where transportation is cheapest, the difference is shocking. 

In Zimbabwe, Nigeria, Eswatini, Burundi, and Lesotho, daily transport costs are less than 20 cents. Talk about a price difference! It’s interesting to see how much the cost of traveling from one place to another can differ across the continent.

Price of rent in Africa

If you’ve ever wondered about the cost of renting a house in Africa, you’ll find that rent prices exceeding 200 USD per month aren’t very common in our community, but they do happen in certain countries. For instance, Gabon has about 21% of our SagaPoll community paying more than 200 USD for rent, making it one of the most expensive places to live in Africa. Mauritius also has around 19% of our members facing similar rental costs, reflecting a higher cost of living. Other countries like Namibia and Senegal see about 13% and 12% of the community paying over 200 USD in rent, while in Botswana, South Africa and Morocco, the number is around 11%. These statistics highlight African countries with the highest cost of living.

On the flip side, many countries in Africa have very affordable rent. Places like Angola, Benin, Burundi, Egypt, Eswatini, Lesotho, Malawi and Togo have almost no one in our app paying over 200 USD for rent. 

In these countries, most people find much cheaper options. Overall, it’s clear that while some areas have high rental costs, many others are quite affordable, showing the diverse living situations across the African continent.

Price of the kilos of tomatoes in Africa

Tomatoes are a kitchen essential and the most widely consumed vegetable across Africa, according to our SagaPoll community. With their versatility in cooking and nutritional value, it’s no surprise that 70% of respondents reported using them recently! Whether in stews, salads, or sauces, tomatoes play a key role in African cuisine, making them a household favorite across the continent.

When it comes to the price of this beloved veggie, the cost per kilo can vary a lot across the continent, helping us to have a better understanding of the most expensive countries in Africa.

In Namibia, you’d think tomatoes are made of gold, with 62% of people paying more than 5 USD per kilo. Ghana isn’t far behind with 46%, followed by Gabon at 38%, and Guinea at 37%. Even in sunny Mauritius, Botswana and South Africa, a third of the population shells out over 5 bucks for a kilo of tomatoes. 

Meanwhile, some countries keep tomatoes super affordable. In Algeria, 83% of people pay less than 1 USD per kilo, with 32% paying even less than 50 cents. Burkina Faso, Eswatini, and Morocco also have great deals, with 79%, 81%, and 84% of our members, respectively, paying less than 1 USD per kilo. 

Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania also keep it real with cheap tomatoes, and in countries like Burundi, Egypt, Sierra Leone, Somalia, and Zimbabwe, tomatoes are practically a steal. In fact, 100% of people in Sierra Leone and Somalia, and 99% in Zimbabwe, pay less than 50 cents per kilo. So, whether you’re splurging or saving, tomatoes remain a culinary staple from north to south!

How SagaPoll can help you navigate the most expensive countries in Africa?

Imagine a tool that doesn’t just allow you to earn rewards but also empowers you to learn about interesting topics. An app that keeps their members engaged and informed about the world – that’s SagaPoll, much more than a survey app!

By sharing your insights, you can earn extra money while contributing to the development of the African continent. 

SagaPoll, the legit survey app 100% dedicated to Africa

SagaPoll is a user-friendly platform that allows you to earn extra money while sharing your valuable insights. Here’s a simple guide to get you started:

1. Download the App:

2. Create Your Account:

  • Open the app and follow the on-screen instructions to create a new account.
  • Allow the notifications and location in order to receive surveys

3. Complete Your Profile:

  • This helps SagaPoll match you with the most relevant surveys.
  • Provide detailed information about your demographics, interests, and lifestyle.

4. Start Taking Surveys:

  • Once your profile is complete, you’ll start receiving notifications about available surveys.
  • Click on a notification to begin a survey.
  • Answer the questions honestly and to the best of your ability.

5. Earn Points and Rewards:

  • For each completed survey, you’ll earn points.
  • These points can be redeemed for various rewards, such as cash, mobile money and mobile airtime. You can check the payment methods in SagaPoll here.

6. Redeem Your Rewards:

  • Once you’ve accumulated 5000 points, visit the rewards section of the app.
  • Choose the reward you’d like between mobile money, mobile airtime and bank transfer, and follow the redemption instructions.

Tips for Maximizing Your Earnings:

  • Complete Surveys Promptly: Timely completion increases your chances of getting invited to more surveys.
  • Be Honest: Your honest opinions are valuable to researchers.
  • Refer Friends: Invite your friends to join SagaPoll and earn additional rewards.
  • Visit stores: You can earn up to 50 points per store visited if you scan all the categories we ask you to!
  • Check the App Regularly: New surveys are added frequently, so check the app often.

We know that living in the most expensive countries in Africa can pose a significant financial challenge for housing, transportation, and daily necessities. However, through the SagaPoll app, you can earn extra income by sharing your opinions, while also gaining valuable insights into the economic landscape of the continent. Whether it’s managing rising rents, expensive tomatoes, or costly transportation, SagaPoll can help you navigate these challenges while staying connected with other Africans.


  • Which are the cheapest countries to live in Africa?
2Sierra Leone

The cheapest countries to live in Africa offer low living costs across various sectors like housing, food, and transportation. Burundi tops the list as the most affordable, followed by Sierra Leone and Sudan, where daily expenses are minimal. Tanzania, Angola, and Egypt also provide cost-effective living conditions, with essentials being relatively cheap. Eswatini, Malawi, Somalia, and Zimbabwe complete the list, making these nations ideal for those seeking budget-friendly lifestyles in Africa.

  • How much can I earn on SagaPoll? Earnings vary depending on the length and complexity of surveys, as well as your location.
  • Is my personal information safe? SagaPoll takes data privacy seriously. Your personal information is protected and will not be shared without your consent.
  • What kind of surveys can I expect? Surveys cover a wide range of topics, from consumer products to current events.
  • How do I redeem my rewards? Once you reach 5,000 points, you can redeem your points for money or mobile data.